Filename: RACFAQ.TXT Radio Amateur Callbook FAQ List Q: How much computer memory does the RAC CD-ROM require? A: The RAC on CD-ROM requires about 1 MB of memory. Using the text search feature and Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or Windows 95 will increase this requirement. Q: Does the RAC CD-ROM use space on my computer's hard drive? A: The RAC CD-ROM uses a very small amount of space on your computer's hard drive when installed in the Microsoft Windows environment. Hard disk usage when using the export file and label printing features depends upon how many callbook entries a user chooses for processing. Q: How do I print the US Census by license class if my printer cannot print more than 80 columns across? A: This is the CENDSK3.TXT file in the D:\TEXTE\ directory on the RAC CD-ROM Summer 96 edition. The information in this chart cannot be reformated into an 80 column format. If your printer is capable of 'landscape' printing (sideways) use this option with your favorite word processor. Otherwise use the CENDSK5.TXT file in the same directory. This file contains the same information but has been split in half. The beginning of the file contains the left half of the US Census while the second half of the file contains the right half of the US Census data. Print this file using your word processor and match up the arrows at the top and bottom. Q: Can RAC add the DXCC country names found in the DXCC2.TXT file to the screen? If so, how about the country name used when mailing QSL cards and other correspondence? Sometimes the name is different. A: Starting with the Summer of 96 edition RAC has expanded the width of the screen and added two new fields for each entry containing the DXCC and mailing names. A user can now choose between the DXCC and mailing name when exporting data to a file or printing labels. Q: Can RAC add a wild card search feature? A: While the search features, particularly the text search, are very powerful tools for locating a ham on the CD-ROM, RAC is reviewing this request for future editions of the RAC CD-ROM. Currently, when a user initiates a search with incomplete data the search feature will retrieve the closest matching entry it can find. Q: Why does the Morse code only click instead of having the dot and dash tone of a radio? A: This feature will work at all times if the computer's internal speaker is used. It is not always compatible with all sound cards, external speakers and multimedia equipment. Computers equipped with this equipment usually have been reconfigured to redirect the sound by disabling the internal computer speaker. Please create a full back up of your entire system and contact your equipment and software vendor before making any changes to your system configuration. Q: Do you have a registration process form? A: With the Summer 96 edition RAC is including a registration form contained in the REGISTER.TXT file in the D:\TEXTE\ directory. Please print this out and mail, fax or e-mail the form to RAC for processing. Q: Is RAC going to add the date of birth for US entries? A: The date of birth provided by the FCC or received by corresponding with hams has been added to RAC Summer 96 edition. Q: How do I locate clubs, then & nows, military and silent keys on the RAC CD-ROM? A: The text search feature can be used to retrieve these entries on the RAC CD-ROM. Clubs can be located by searching for the alpha strings "club" or "arc", then & nows can be located using "now", silent keys using "silent" and military by using "apo", "fpo", "ae" or "ap". Q: Can the screen colors be changed? A: The Microsoft Windows environment colors can be changed in the "Colors" program in the Windows Control Panel. The RAC CD-ROM Summer 96 edition now allows the user to change the screen colors in the DOS version of the program.